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Surging Films & Theatrics is holding auditions for their 2025 season of Legally Blonde and RENT. Local hires only (no housing or travel provided). We encourage performers of all races and ethnicities, gender and sexual identities, ages, body types, and abilities, to attend every audition.


Please submit a video to with a 32 bar cutting of your choice (from either show or in the style of), your headshot/resume, and any other relevant information including any major conflicts between now and August. Please let us know which shows you are interested in in the submission.  


Submission Deadline 1/26/25

If selected for a callback, you will hear by January 27th at 5pm and provided cuttings at that time. Callbacks are on Feb 1st and Feb 4th at The Edge Theater (5451 N. Broadway). A sign-up form will be sent in the email.


All performances and most rehearsals will take place at The Edge Theater.


Show #1 - Legally Blonde - Main Stage

Rehearsals begin Mid-Late February (calendar will be provided in the callback info)

Load in April 20th 

Tech & Shows April 21st- May 4th

10 total performances

*All roles are open and available*

Stipend: $300


Direction by Billy Surges

Choreography by Tim Huggenberger

Co Music Direction by Joey Calumet and Daven Taba



Show #2 - RENT - Black Box

Rehearsals begin Mid June (calendar will be provided in the callback info)

Tech Begins July 28th, 2025

Show runs through August 24th, 2025

19 Total performances

*The roles of Mark and Collins have already been cast. All other roles are open and available, including swings and understudies for Mark/Collins*


Stipend: $400


Co-Direction by Tim Huggenberger & Billy Surges

Choreography by Tim Huggenberger

Music Direction by Joey Calumet

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